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Table 3 Research agenda for broadened knowledge about EI theory and practice

From: Epistemic decentering in education for responsibility: revisiting the theory and practice of educational integrity

Area of Progress

Examples of Research Questions to Be Further Investigated

i) Theory

- What ethics would be most suitable for EI? (of responsibility, virtues…)

- What is the relationship between EI and AI?

- What are the dimensions, structure, and determinants of EI?

- What EI lessons can be transferred from one institution (ex. family) to the other (ex. school)?

ii) Empirical procedures

- What indicators should be used to assess EI?

- What methods should be used to assess EI?

- What research paradigms should be used to assess EI? (intervention research…)

iii) Educational means

- How does the institution communicate about its rules?

- What is the impact of a particular program or intervention on EI?

- What are the similarities and differences in EI in different educational institutions?

- What does the cultural specificity of EI mean? (discipline, country…)

- How might parents and staff enhance EI and be trained for that purpose?

iv) Empirical studies

- How do staff, including secondary teachers and university professors, know their (global and) institutional deontological frames?

- What are the natures and roles of implicit and explicit rules and sanctions in different educational institutions?

- What are the subjective relationships between staff, students, and both kinds of rules and sanctions?

- What are the impacts of these factors on EI?

- What other possible determinants or factors influence EI?