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Table 1 Summary of the article’s original content: forms and roles of the epistemic dimension of dialogism in education for responsibility and EI

From: Epistemic decentering in education for responsibility: revisiting the theory and practice of educational integrity

Level of the epistemic dimension

Level 1

Level 2

Ground 0

Object of the level



Phenomenological relation to the representations

 i) Theoretical attributes

Choices informed by dialogism between ηθoξ and εθoξ

Contextual relativism, non-dualism

Consciousness of dialogism-informed choicesa

 ii) Psychological translation (Empirical indicators)

Commitment to implementing ethics of responsibility, knowledge of respective norms of the self and the environment; critical thinking about both

Complex thinking, critical thinking about knowledge and knowing, contextual relativist personal epistemology

Non-dogmatic and non-dualist thinking, cognitive defusion, cognitive flexibility, decentering

 ii) Phenomenological translation

aAwareness of thoughts about inner and outer worlds, and conscious action based on the integration of information from both worlds

Awareness of thoughts with epistemological content (ex: "this is the truth") and of the contextual epistemological status of thoughts and ideas

No attachment to thoughts and representations due to simultaneous awareness of inner bodily sensations and perceived environment

 iii) Pedagogical means to enhance EI

Performative educator’s actions based on belief in free will and ethical capacity of actors (distinction between sanction & punishment, power & duty, etc.); education about conscious choices; diary, auto-confrontation…

Epistemology education (history of sciences, serious games, debates and teaching about status of knowledge…); learning to express non-dogmatically (use of “I” to diminish projections…)

Conjunction of different kinds of meditation, theory (how thoughts, beliefs, prejudices… function), exercises to foster self-inquiry and insight (Ex: MBER program)

 iii) Target reflexivity

Dialogical and cognitive


  1. Points i) to iii) are explained in the introduction. Briefly, they correspond to i) the theoretical frame, ii) the study-able indicators (i.e., the empirical operationalization of this frame) and iii) the hypothesized educational means by which to implement the frame