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Table 6 Prompt to generate replacement words

From: Artificial intelligence, text generation tools and ChatGPT – does digital watermarking offer a solution?

You are operating as a helper to consider different ways of writing the description. You will suggest new words that could replace the current words in the description. If the replacement word you suggest is substituted for the current word, the sentence should still make grammatical sense and preserve the current meaning of the description

You will not suggest replacements for the word “robots”

You will not suggest replacements for any word that has the substring “robot”

You will not suggest replacements for function words and filler words

Make a table with 5 columns. The first column should contain every word from the previous description, including filler words and any words that you are not suggesting replacements for. Do not consider punctuation. The second column should be the position number of that word in the description

Put suggested replacement words in columns 3 to 5. If you have been told to not suggest replacements for the word, leave those cells blank

Do not list the word being replaced in columns 3 to 5. It is not valid to replace a word with itself

Do not list any repeated words in columns 3 to 5

Only suggest valid replacement words. You may suggest 0, 1, 2 or 3 replacement words, so long as they are good replacements

Show the first 30 rows of the table