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Table 4 Receptiveness to intervention on academic misconduct

From: First-year university students’ knowledge of academic misconduct and the association between goals for attending university and receptiveness to intervention

Please describe any content you found to be a waste of time. Why do you feel it was a waste of time?


n (%)


A priori codes


38 (10.7)

“My Econ 2 professors content” (Reference 153, CoB)

“I sometimes felt like math was a waste of time along with science because I knew I didn’t want to make any of those subjects apart of my future career.” (Reference 412, CoB).

 Neutral or welcome reception

241 (67.7)

“went over things a few too many times when once is enough” (Reference 418. CoB)

“I did not find any content to be a waste of my time, I did think all the modules did take a long time, but I took breaks here and there.” (Reference 109, CoE).

 Indignant or resentful reception

77 (21.6)

“I believe that the whole assignment was not a valuable use of time. Only because I have received lessons, lectures, and more explaining why not to cheat, therefore it was repetitive of knowledge I was already aware of.” (Reference 739, CoB)

“what was presented in the module is common knowledge that doesnt necessarily need to be reiterated.” (Reference 874, CoE)