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Table 1 Questions and Number of Responses from Participants

From: Recommendations for a balanced approach to supporting academic integrity: perspectives from a survey of students, faculty, and tutors

Target Audience


Number of responses

Faculty/ tutor

Do you have any suggestions on how your campus might improve its policies concerning academic integrity or any additional comments you care to make?


Faculty/ tutor

What role do you think faculty should play in promoting academic integrity and/or controlling cheating in their courses?


Faculty/ tutor

What behaviours do you employ to reduce the opportunity and/or temptation for students to cheat in your courses?


Faculty/ tutor

If you were convinced that a student had cheated on a major test or assignment in your course, what (a) does your school's policy require you to do, and (b) would be your most likely reaction?


Faculty/ tutor

Have you ever referred a suspected case of cheating to your Program Director, Course Coordinator, Chair, Dean, or anyone else? How satisfied were you with the way the case(s) were handled? Please explain your response



What specific changes would you like to see your school take in support of academic integrity? What role should students play in this process?



Please use this space for any comments you care to make, or if there is anything else you would like to tell us about the topic of cheating