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Table 12 Predicted probabilities for QAP ‘Copied shorter passages from other sources into your own text without marking them as quotes’. For each level of uncertainty and academic training the probability that participants with this level of uncertainty/training engage in this QAP is indicated (n = 1218)

From: Lack of ethics or lack of knowledge? European upper secondary students’ doubts and misconceptions about integrity issues

Uncertainty concerning citation practicea

Probability of engaging in the QAP

 Yes, many times


 Yes, a few times


 Yes, once




Academic training (Courses not dedicated to integrity issues)b

Probability of engaging in the QAP





  1. aBased on the question: ‘Over the past 12 months, have you been in a situation where you were unsure how to behave in an ethically correct manner in relation to citation and plagiarism?’ The reported probability indicates that the participant carried out the QAP at least once during the past 12 months
  2. bBased on participants selecting the option ‘Courses not dedicated to integrity issues’ when asked: ‘Have you learned about rules and/or ethically correct behaviour in relation to the themes introduced above through any other method?‘