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Table 5 Resources teachers want their institutions to provide them

From: Algorithmically-driven writing and academic integrity: exploring educators' practices, perceptions, and policies in AI era

Overarching Themes

Data-driven Codes of Response Categories

Examples from Survey Responses


Ethical and Effective Use of AI

Manual/guidelines on effective and ethical use

Manual on how to use and policies on how to regulate the use of ChatGPT and other AI-powered tools

Policy guidelines should be provided by institutions, subject to requisite consultations with different stakeholders


Training on the ethical and effective use of AI and support

Training must be provided on how to maximize its utmost potential for teaching, learning, and research. Teachers and researchers should be trained on how to use these tools to assist them in their tasks


Equitable access to tools and information

Provision of AI tools and Equitable access for both students and teachers

Ensuring equitable access for faculty members, researchers, and students via institutional licenses or subscriptions fosters a more inclusive learning environment

Many students cannot access it because we are from the poorest province of the poorest region in Luzon. If other students will use it and some cannot, it would be unfair to other students. Inequality in our university is prevalent



Sharing of Best practices and latest research in AI

Sharing case studies, success stories, and the latest research on AI in education illuminates best practices and potential drawbacks