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Table 2 Categories, examples, and frequencies of teachers' concerns regarding ChatGPT and other AI-powered DWTs in teaching

From: Algorithmically-driven writing and academic integrity: exploring educators' practices, perceptions, and policies in AI era

Answer Category



Becoming too dependent on the tools

The risk is that teachers might end up becoming too dependent on these tools and thus degrade their knowledge and skills to create original content


Declension of students' creativity, proficiency, or critical thinking,

Dependence on these tools will result in a decline in the student's proficiency level

Excessive use of ChatGPT limits students the opportunity to develop creative and innovative ideas concerning academic tasks


Concerns about validity, accuracy, authenticity, and reliability of the outputs

These tools may only sometimes provide accurate and reliable responses; hence, they might lead to inaccurate outcomes in teaching or research


Ethical Concerns (accountability, trust, misuse and abuse, transparency)

Ethical concerns. Integrity might be impaired. Increases the tendency of cheating


Assessment concerns (how to assess uniform answers, difficulty in differentiating AI-content and Human-content)

Teachers might be misled into believing that their students have acquired the competencies for the subject, but they are assessing an AI's work rather than their students' work


Losing control due to lack of guidelines

The unrestricted use due to lack of guidelines might result in chaos


Lack of training or technical expertise

One of the most difficult challenges is the lack of technical expertise


Becoming lazy and complacent

Teachers and students will be complacent


Replacing or surpassing humans

Its potential for the replacement of humans in writing-intensive work


Hindering the development of interaction and other skills related to student–teacher relationships

An overemphasis on AI tools risks diminishing the significance of human interaction in education, possibly weakening teacher-student relationships and hindering the development of socio-emotional skills



Another issue is the high cost of AI tools and applications